Ticino e Grigioni

Lo sfogo di Philipp Plein

Controlli dell'ispettorato del lavoro negli uffici dello stilista, che esprime la sua rabbia su Instagram

  • 28.03.2018, 13:50
  • 23.11.2024, 02:03
La sede luganese di Philipp Plein

La sede luganese di Philipp Plein

  • google

Una pizza mangiata in ufficio nel suo quartier generale di Lugano alle 23.30, con sei designer e quattro fornitori italiani, interrotta da un controllo dell'ispettorato del lavoro: tanto è bastato per mandare su tutte le furie lo stilista Philipp Plein, che in un post su Instagram si scaglia contro le autorità ticinesi. "Siamo stati trattati come criminali", lamenta, invitati a mostrare i documenti e poi a lasciare immediatamente l'edificio.

Yesterday at 23.25 I received a visit from a labor officer at my HEADQUARTERS in LUGANO TICINO SWITZERLAND ! I was told that we should "immediately" stop working and I should leave my office building with all the remaining people inside ! I can’t believe that the Canton Ticino, which is trying to attract companies constantly, especially from the fashion sector in order to move to SWITZERLAND is treating us like criminals while we were having PIZZA at my own office building with 6 of my designers and 4 suppliers who visited us from ITALY ! I can’t believe and I will not accept such a treatment against my company and my employees ! It is unbelievable that we were treated like criminals while we were sitting inside of our own office building at 11.25 pm ! We were asked to show our IDs and we were told that the police will come ? I have in total more than 700 employees worldwide working directly for my group all over the world with offices in NEW YORK / HONG KONG / MILAN / MOSCOW ....... In the last 4 years I created more than 140 jobs in Lugano only and my group is generating a turnover of more than 300 million DOLLAR ! I NEVER RECEIVED SUCH A TREATMENT ! Everybody who was with me yesterday at the office felt like a criminal after and I can’t even explain to them why ....... because we are still at the office ?Because we can’t have a pizza after 11pm ? Because we did something wrong to the society of Lugano ? This is now the second time we have received such a treatment and it is NOT ACCEPTABLE ! Last year our IT team of 2 people were treated the same way ......they were installing at night 6 new computers for new employees and they were updating the server ! This work had to be done after working hours because we had to shut down all server and computer systems, otherwise more than 140 people would be without computers for more than hours the day after !!!!!! My IT team was treated the same way like I was yesterday ....... they were asked to stop working....... the fact that they could not finish their work the same night caused that 140 people the day after to have a half day without telephones and computers ! THIS IS A SCANDAL ! @marcoborradori

Un post condiviso da Philipp Plein (@philippplein78) in data:

"Inaccettabile", secondo Plein, in un cantone che punta ad accogliere nuove imprese con un occhio di riguardo al settore della moda. E non è nemmeno la prima volta: era già successo lo scorso anno mentre tecnici informatici installavano di notte dei nuovi computer, lamenta Plein, che con un hashtag si rivolge direttamente al sindaco Marco Borradori.

Il Quotidiano alle 19.00 proporrà la reazione del direttore della Divisione economia Stefano Rizzi.


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