"After the rain" di Chico Freeman & Heiri Känzig, Intakt Records (dettaglio di copertina)
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"After the rain"

di Corrado Antonini

  • 25.08.2023
  • 1 h e 10 min
  • intaktrec.ch

Susanna; Alchemy of suffering; SusannaSonata

Chico Freeman & Heiri Känzig; After the rain; Intakt Records

Rose & Cloud; Slow Jazz Plays; Autoproduzione

Solomon & Socalled; Dobriden; Piranha

Melody Gardot & Philippe Powell; Perhaps You'll Wonder Why; Decca

Anna Tivel; The Bell; Mama Bird Recording Co.

Stephen Riley; My Little Suede Shoes; SteeleChase Records

Nicolas Jaar; Gocce; Other People

Bobo Rondelli; Ma che buffa che sei; Picicca Dischi

Wayne Escoffery; Quarter Moon; Smoke Sessions Records

Ute Lemper; El Viento en la Isla; Chameleon

Simon Kirby, Tommy Perman & Rob St. John; Onset and Rime; Blackford Hill

Joanna Pascale; Drown in my tears; Stiletto Records

Ahmad Jamal; You're my everything; Impulse!

Bévinda; A Janela; Celluloid

Leonard Cohen; If I Didn't Have Your Love; Columbia

Andreas Schaerer; Stagione; ACT

Vivian Buczek & Seamus Blake; Jej Portret; Prophone Records

Cyril Secq / Orla Wren; Première Branche; Dronarium

Randy Newman; You can leave your hat on; Reprise Records

Samuel Rohrer; All Too Human Var.; Arjunamusic

Pascal Parisot; J'mange de l'herbe; Naïve

Allen Toussaint; Winin' boy blues; Nonesuch

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