"This Is Not A Miracle" di Food, ECM (dettaglio di copertina)
Tenera è la notte

"This Is Not A Miracle"

di Corrado Antonini

  • ecmrecords.com
  • 12.8.2023
  • 1 h e 47 min
Disponibile su
  • Musica

Enrico Pieranunzi Trio & Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana; Vendome; Challenge Records

David Crosby; Song With No Words (Tree With No Leaves); Atlantic

Flavie Dufour; Il était une; Production du Bear

Food; This Is Not A Miracle; ECM

Kendra Shank; Natas (A/K/A Playmate); Challenge Records

Abel Selaocoe; Ibuyile I'Africa - Africa is Back; Parlophone Records Limited

European Jazz Trio; The Swan Lake (Tchaikovsky); M&I Jazz

Banda de los muertos; Las nubes; Barbès Records

Hal Willner & Keith Richards; Oh Lord, Don't Let Them Drop That Atomic Bomb On Me; Sony/Columbia

John Coltrane; Mr. Syms; Atlantic Jazz

Sélène Saint-Aimé; White Birds, Silver Tree; Komos

Rodopi Ensemble; Roman Havasi; ARC Music

Maki Asakawa; Gogo; Honest Jon's Records / EMI

The Teddy Charles Tentet; You go to my head; Atlantic

Hannes Wader; Die Möwe; Pläne

Bob Dylan; Come rain or come shine; Columbia

Kapelle Kessler; Half Moon; Unit Records

Ian Shaw; Some Other Time; Silent Wish Records

Piero Umiliani; Tanto Giovane; Cinevox

Pino Daniele; Napule è...; EMI

Pierre Favre; En Passant; ECM Records

Jeanne DeMetz; Calypso daddy; Jazzman Records

Romero Lubambo; Lukinha; Sunnyside

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